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 A few questions to the best bartender on the net.

NAME: Joe. First names with friends, ok?

AGE: 40+ STAR SIGN: Virgo

FAVORITE DRINK: Monte Cristo Cocktail, a classic.

FAVORITE SINGER: The drinkmail houseband and Frank Sinatra

FAVORITE MEAL: Risotto, a good Chianti, Mama's Cheesecake

FAVORITE JOB: I've worked everywhere, Vegas, New Orleans, London, New York, Chicago... The best job? Running the bar right here at Great people, perks like you wouldn't believe, and, all over the world, you folks know you're gonna get exactly the drink you order!

FAVOURITE MOVIE:"Cocktail"... just kidding.

FAVORITE SAYING: "Nunc est bibidum." That's Latin for "Now is the time to drink!"

ANY OTHER WORDS? "Ah, enough about me. You're the special guest here, what you want goes. And remember, we never close here at So tell me, what can I get you to drinkmail?"